Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Vocab 6A+



el atletismo – track and field
el balón – the (big, inflated) ball
el baloncesto – basketball
el ciclismo – bicycling
la cancha – the court
la carrera – race
la copa – the cup
la corona – the crown
la corrida de toros – bullfight
el calentamiento – warm-up
la meta – the finishing line
la lucha libre – wrestling
la pelota – the (small) ball
la pista – the track
el polo acuático – water polo
el rey – the king
la temporada – the season
el torneo – tournament
empatar – to tie
vencer (c-z) – to defeat, conquer
ganar – to win


alegrarse – to be, become happy
*encantar – to be enchanting (love)
*disgustar – to disgust (dislike)
*fascinar – to fascinate
*gustar – to be pleasing (like)
*importar – to matter
*interesar – to interest
*parecer – to seem


el anfitrión/la anfitriona – the host/ess
el anuncio – the commercial
la cadena – the station (channel)
el canal – the channel
los dibujos animados – the cartoons
el/la locutor/a = the announcer
las noticias – the news
la pantalla – the screen
el personaje – the character
el programa – the programa
la telenovela – the soap opera


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